Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Images from case 1 of 2 scanned with 3Shape TRIOS and fabricated with a model-less workflow

Case One:


Tooth #: 36
Shade: A3 incisal-body, A4 body to gingival 3rd
Can you see the difference in material?

Restoration on right: e.Max Press
Restoration on left: ZirCules 3D monolithic Zirconia can you see the difference?

On Sept 27th Dr. Brent C. took digital impressions with the3Shape trios- maxillary arch scan in 1 minute and 24 seconds with 338 3D images captured, Mandibular arch scan in 2 minutes 15 seconds with 528 3D images captured, and a 16 second bite reg with 70 3D images captured. (Pretty good for only his second time using the 3Shape Trios!)
On October 4th we seated one of two restorations (e.Max Press & ZirCules that were made for this case using a model-less workflow. These cases were designed on 3Shape D700, milled with Roland DWX 50 5 Axis/ burned out and pressed for e.Max, sintered, stained, glazed, and shipped half way across Canada in 4 days!

Guess which one we seated?!

e. Max Press:
Although the e.Max press was slightly less anatomical the margins were spot on and it seated perfectly! Snug interproximal contacts with light occlusal contact yet positive throughout the mouth - no adjustments were required!
(ZirCules shade was slightly off and patient preferred aesthetics of e.Max Press; however margins were perfect.)
How perfect is that!!!!!!!!!!!!
Positive occlusal contact

Want to know more? Contact me!


CDA TRIOS expert tips tricks 3Shape digital dentistry

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